
Saturday, 16 February 2013

Negotiation in S/M relationship

Negotiation to gain consent is one of the cornerstones of SM activities. This requires an understanding of yourself and your desires, and an understanding that these desires are mutable and may change with your moods, stresses of your daily life/etc. Many people use extensive checklists to negotiate their scenes. Others who are more clear about what they want and have the ability to communicate clearly will be able to negotiate well without such lists. Sit down with your parner(s) and discuss your desires and interests. Then as an exercise, take some time to learn to say "no" to certain requests. Being sex positive is not about saying yes all the time. Is is also about saying "I'm bit interested," and having that heeded. Without this fundamental basis of consent, SM activities can cross the line to abusive behavior.
Related articles:
SCC: Safe, Sane and Consensual
Power Play