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After five or ten minutes, the bottom's endorphin pump is ready again, and it's time to take the bottom to the next level. This is done by administering hard direct pain. At stage two, the Top may find that a hard hand spanking for about a minute is enough to release the second endorphin hit. When the Top is done, returns to giving the bottom gentle touching, reassurances, and praise to soothe the bottom's back into a relaxed state of mind. Again, the Top spends another five to ten minutes with flogging mixed with hand spanking, and maybe some light paddling. The Top is always watching the bottom's body language to sense when the bottom is feeling that the Top is being too intense. If the bottom's shoulders tense up or the bottom pulls away from the Top, the Top goes immediately into "touching mode" with massage and gentle reassurances. The Top's goal is, for the bottom, to completely relax and to accept rather than pull away from whatever the Top is doing. The rhythmic percussion of the toys in time to the soothing music mixed with the endorphin and Top's voice create a deep relaxation in the bottom similar to what you might experience in hypnosis.
After this article, read these ones:
Bottom goes deeper into subspace
The Top takes the bottom to its limits
After this article, read these ones:
Bottom goes deeper into subspace
The Top takes the bottom to its limits