
Tuesday, 26 March 2013


The Lisbon Fetish Weekend 2013 will present on May 31st|22h30 @Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon (Portugal), the 5 award winners of the Fetisch Film Festival 2012. Fetisch Film Festival (FFF) is considered the best set of awards given annually for excellence in erotic fetishes and BDSM on film.
Watch the Lisbon Fetish Weekend 2013 Promo

The 5 award winners of the Fetisch Film Festival 2012 were:
JUMPCUT (8 min) Best short Film
DA KINK IN MY LAiR (18 min) Best Actress in a short Film: Yulia Petrauskas
THE CHAUFFEUR  (24 min) Best Actor in a short Film: Johnny Kostrey
MISS D (18 min) Best Trans-performance in a short Film: Scott Speiser
MY DAY WITH TARNA (40 min) Best documentary


JUMPCUT (8 min) Best short Film

The fantasies of a woman: scary and romantic.
Directed & Produced by Saskia Quax (Amesterdam, NL)
With Dutch Dame & Bob RopeMarks
Website: (in Dutch)
“Jumpcut let you partake in a playful way to the sexual fantasies of a young woman. Sexuality is very personal and has no fixed frame. Everyone experiences sexuality always in his own unique style. Do you see the common thread: the love ”  Saskia Quax

Watch Jumpcut's Trailer

Domenique Von Sternenberg Review
With Jumpcut Saskia Quax show us another, wonderful work was presented in the festival program. For her thesis studies in Audiovisual design, they had dealt with the subject of sexual fantasies. It was important for her to come on the subject as close as possible, without resorting to explicit pictures but it must.
They did, I think, the most impressive and accomplished with an extremely atmospheric balance of image and sound created a short film that charms and equally sensual touches.
The interplay between the mystical scene in which the young woman, as the chosen one, encircled by a dozen men in smokings, with their hands tied to the humiliating exhaustion skipping needs and sensual bondage session with the rigger pull the viewer magic in the sexual fantasies of the young woman inside.

DA KINK IN MY LAiR (18 min) Best Actress in a short Film: Yulia Petrauskas

Mockumentary about professional dominatrix Severija. It’s a one-woman-show with Yulia Petrauskas from Toronto in front and behind the camera.
Director: Yulia Petrauskas (Canada)

Domenique Von Sternenberg Review
This movie begins with the first shot a little earlier in the life of the Domination, namely in the bedroom. Mistress Severija (Yulia Petrauskas) is awakened by the camera and the lively East European is also quick to the point. Say, your mouth is probably the first thing that is really growing. We look to her as her make-up and experience a creative act. With its lively, slightly overdone way she has something sympathetic, but also a weird and unpredictable side.
The area in which the education of the young slave takes place is a large, empty hall or studio. While she firmly binds her slave to a radiator she gives an interview in the candlelight. Not without getting up in between to go to the sub whining and pull him with the whip strict one. The scenery changes between amusing, titillating, very consistent and unpredictable, you do not know whether laugh or whether one goes better than this odd film wondering just should.
"Da Kink in My Lair" Yulia managed a funny satire on the everyday life of a mistress, though the visual design so not equivalent to the classical ideas. With good actor's performance, simple styles and simple technique is to have succeeded produced a credible and entertaining, so-called mockumentary.

THE CHAUFFEUR  (24 min) Best Actor in a short Film: Johnny Kostrey

An actress accidentally meets a driver who has some strange desires…
Audrey, a young French actress trying to make it in Hollywood, meets Tony, the chauffeur of a luxury car. She needs him to drive her around town and he is looking for a “boss” to drive him. At first, feeling ill at ease, Audrey doesn’t want to mistreat him. But as she suffers one humiliation after another in her career, she discovers that this little game allows her to vent her frustration on him… They complete each other in what begins as a fair exchange and becomes much more than that.
Director: Maud Ferrari (USA)

Domenique Von Sternenberg Review
So the story unfolds episode continues to episode and Audrey and Tony play little by little the whole repertoire of sadomasochistic fantasies, repeatedly contrasted with the tough reality of the film City of Los Angeles, by becoming in a playful and increasingly familiar way. Maude Ferrari succeed with this short film the feat far show on clichés such as whips, collars and black leather, the beginning of a loving albeit unusual relationship. For Audrey is a roller coaster through the feelings for Tony well. The fulfillment of a long cherished dream, and for viewers in a credible and understandable introduction to a world of unusual fantasies and desires Here by the way are some of the questions touched on the discussion around this theme again and again: Who is here actually "the boss" and who seduced whom is a devout man at the end of the dream or the nightmare of a woman. Or the question whether the abuse of power as in everyday structures ever happen again, because not a much bigger problem than if a couple decides by consensus for a slightly unusual roles in their relationship.

MISS D (18 min) Best Trans-performance in a short Film: Scott Speiser

New Year’s Eve for a Crossdresser in New York.
Director: Stefan Blomquist (Stockholm/New York).

Domenique Von Sternenberg Review
The story is set in the glam-punk era of the 90's and is about the crossdresser Miss D (Scott Speiser).
Miss D sneaks after a living by night hangover back at sunrise in his studio in Chinatown. Once there, he hears only times the answering machine in order to get a rough picture of the night back. On the responder, he hears the voice of his ex-love Gina (Zuzana Stivínová), triggering unrest and frightens him. At the same moment the bell rings at the door and his Chinese neighbor and landlady parked out front. He has worked with the eccentric landlady Mrs. Ling (Lori Tan Chinn) an agreement, he paid the rent in hashish and then the two sat comfortably in the empty bathtub, which is located in the small studio and rotate a joint. Ms. Ling warns against the selfish behavior of the ex-lover, when the phone rings. Gina is in town and wants to see D. D goes to the agreed meeting and must make a difficult decision. Either for the continuation of the troubled, painful relationship with Gina or a clean slate and an uncertain future in terms of his relationship with life.

MY DAY WITH TARNA (40 min) Best documentary

Documentary about Dominatrix Tarna from Berlin.
Director:  Chris Caliman (Berlin, Germany)

Domenique Von Sternenberg Review
With its eighteen years of experience she has to have something to say and this makes a direct, unaffected and sincere manner. She says what she thinks, speaks of what the situation is, in a profession, the benefits of the many secrets behind closed doors. Precisely this willingness of Lady Tarna produced one hand, a credible but also sympathetic effect on the audience.
The director and cinematographer Chris Caliman does not distract with additional music, a voice-over, or if a dramaturgical. Just this freewheeling reinforces the personal statements of Lady Tarna. This gives her the room. The specific practices taking place with her and explain something to their social background to their own individual way.
So it goes in a topic about dealing with bodily waste. Since childhood, urination and defecation is done behind closed. If talking about is not possible, it is not understood and to playing with it certainly will not do. 
Lady Tarna explained with direct words from their own experiences and those with Urophilen (sexual preference for urine) and Koprophilien (sexual preference for dung) it receives in her house. A theme that I saw in such a way never explained filmed in a documentary so understandable.