
Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Bottom goes deeper into subspace

Before reading this article please read this one:

Once the relaxation period is over, the Top once again administer hard direct pain for a moment so that the bottom may get its third endorphin hit. At this point, the bottom is starting to get a good buzz going on, and the Top will notice that the bottom is a lot more tolerant to pain. The level of paddling that the bottom may have pulled away from earlier now gets little reaction. From time to time, the Top reinforces bottom's good behavior with rewards of genital touching that induce orgasms (under Top's control of course). Pain, pleasure, Top's voice, hypnotic relaxation, loving touch, and orgasmic bliss ... the bottom is on its way to outer space, and the Top is the mission commander for the bottom's flight.
This process is repeated over and over as the bottom goes through each stage and deeper into subspace. As the Top plays, She/He will want to escalate Her/His levels of intensity of play since the bottom is feeling less and less of what the Top is doing. Light flogging becomes hard flogging. Likewise with spanking, paddling, and caning. This allows the Top to open up the Top's more sadistic side with the bottom, not only able to take it but to take it and fly.
After this article, read these ones:
The Top takes the bottom to its limits